
11-03-2025 Vol 19

Free CAT study materials and Best sources at ZERO

CAT study materials

CAT(Common admission test) exam preparation require a lot of dedication and effort. For these there are many coaching which guide student for preparation but institute fees are sometimes very high. Therefore, many student look for free online resource. There are a lot of free resource in the internet but I have selected highly recommended and best as well free study materials.

VARC Resource

A highly recommended source is VARC 1000 OPEN source it’s free resource by Career Launcher. Its objective is to provide CAT level concept. LINK: https://myzone.careerlauncher.com/open-cat/ConceptVarc.jsp

Also VARC require a lot of reading and passage practice for that I would suggest telegram channel : @cat4mba where you can find all these tool for free.

DILR Resource

DILR is most important part of CAT preparation and many paid batches also do not have standard level. Therefore, it is crucial that you look for highly useful channel. Researching throughout the internet the best resource with absolutely free is @ELITESGRID YT channel for sure.

QUANT Resource

Unlike VARC and DILR , Quant has a lot of free resource on YT I would suggest to check out all resource try to look the teaching style and choose your teacher and stick any one of them. Don’t try to complete same topic with various teacher.

  1. RODHA : There youtube channel has lot of free resource from basic to advance
  2. MBA Pathsala: lot of free content
  3. MBA WALLAH : Would suggest to only go through Rahul Batla sir lecture only
  4. Career Launcher open learning: it might be also helpful

DEEP MESSAGE: (Personal opinion)

I would only suggest that if you are 100% discipline and are sure that you will maintain consistency only then go through the free resource else purchase batch invest in you and take risk.

Also I would suggest that go through mock test (highly recommended to purchase it) from Career launcher, Times or IMS. Mock series are very much helpful and tool which can make you better. CAT is all about managing time and management skills. These skill can only be polished by giving mock. So, Please start giving mock (from may) and analysis of it must.


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